My research focuses on Participatory Design Methods, Speculative Approaches, Development and Social Justice, Climate Resilience, Emerging Technologies and AI and Automated Decision-Making Systems
Research Papers
Doherty, S., Matthews, B., Khan, A.H., & Van De Fliert, E., (2024).
Fire futures: design for community-led resilience.
Environmental Hazards, 1–2
Snow, S., Khan, A.H., Matthews, B., Rodríguez, I., Desjardins, A., Seals, A., Sosa-Tzec, O., Tran, A., Pierce, J., Peng, X., & Viller, S.(2024).
Using Annotated Portfolios to Interrogate Speculative Designs: The Case of Emergent Personal Data Trails.
Proceedings of the 36th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction
OzCHI 2024, Brisbane, Australia
Snow, S., Khan, A.H., Day, K., & Matthews, B. (2024).
Household Wattch: Exploring opportunities for surveillance and consent through families’ interpersonal household energy use data.
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
Ghahremanlou, L., Khan, A.H., Kegalle, H., D’Silva, R., Watt, N., Whelan-Shamy, D., and Magee, L. (2024).
Automating Thematic Analysis: Comparing How LLMs and Humans Analyse Controversial Topics.
Microsoft Journal of Applied Research, Vol 21, Aug 2024.
Gardezi, M., Abuayyash, H., Adler, P. R., Alvez, J. P., Anjum, R., Badireddy, A. R., Brugler, S., Carcamo, P., Clay, D., Dadkhah, A., Emery, M., Faulkner, J. W., Joshi, B., Joshi, D. R., Khan, A. H., Koliba, C., Kumari, S., McMaine, J., Merrill, S., … Zia, A. (2024).
The role of living labs in cultivating inclusive and responsible innovation in precision agriculture.
Agricultural Systems, 216, 103908
Khan, A. H., Sabie, S., & Vyas, D. (2023)
The Pragmatics of Sustainable Unmaking: Informing Technology Design through e-Waste Folk Strategies
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
DIS 2023, Pittsburgh, United States of America
Khan, A. H., Snow, S., & Matthews, B. (2023)
Participatory Design Tools: Leveraging Materiality and Familiarity to Adapt Unconventional Materials into Design Tools
Proceedings of the 2023 Creativity & Cognition Conference
C&C 2023, Virtual, GatherTown | Paper
Vyas, D., Khan, A. H., & Cooper, A. (2023)
Democratizing Making: Scaffolding Participation Using e-Waste to Engage Under-resourced Communities in Technology Design
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2023, Hamburg, Germany | Paper
Scott, S. A., Khan, A. H., & Matthews, B. (2022)
First Impressions: A Visual Catalogue for Understanding Interactions with Novel Interfaces in Augmented Reality
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction
TEI 2022, Daejeon, Republic of Korea | Pictorial
Khan, A. H., Ejaz, N., Matthews, S., Snow, S., & Matthews, B. (2021)
Speculative Design for Education: Using Participatory Methods to Map Design Challenges and Opportunities in Pakistan
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
DIS 2021, Virtual, United States of America | Paper
Snow, S., Khan, A. H., Glencross, M., & Horrocks, N. (2021)
Neighbourhood Wattch: Using Speculative Design to Explore Values Around Curtailment and Consent in Household Energy Interactions
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2021, Yokohama, Japan | Paper
Li, H., Khan, A. H., Hurtig, K. M., & Häkkilä, J. (2021)
Flexi Card Game: A Design Toolkit for Unconventional Communication Systems for Long-Distance Relationships
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction
TEI 2021, Salzburg, Austria | Paper
Matthews, B., Khan, A. H., Snow, S., Schlosser, P., Salisbury, I., & Matthews, S. (2021)
How to do things with notes: the embodied socio-material performativity of sticky notes
Design Studies, Vol 76, 101035 | Paper
Khan, A. H., Snow, S., Heiner, S., & Matthews, B. (2020)
Disconnecting: Towards a Semiotic Framework for Personal Data Trails
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
DIS 2020, Eindhoven, Netherlands | Pictorial
Khan, A. H., Snow, S., & Matthews, B. (2020)
Tracing Design: Practitioner Accounts of Design Value, Documentation & Practices
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
DIS 2020, Eindhoven, Netherlands | Paper
Khan, A. H., Snow, S., Heiner, S., Hardgrove, R., Matthews, S., & Matthews, B. (2020)
The Politics of Materiality: Exploring Participatory Design Tools, Methods & Practices
Proceedings of Design Research Society 2020 International Conference: Synergy
DRS 2020, Brisbane, Australia | Paper
Matthews, S., Khan, A. H., Boden, M., & Viller, S. (2020)
Preserving Sequential Context: Developing Participatory Video Analysis Practice
Proceedings of Design Research Society 2020 International Conference: Synergy
DRS 2020, Brisbane, Australia | Paper
Johnson, N. S., Khan, A. H., Lawrence, A., Torrens, G. E., & Storer, I. (2020)
Mapping the Organizational Landscape of the UK FMCG Industry: A Review of Packaging Design & Development Professionals
Proceedings of Design Research Society 2020 International Conference: Synergy
DRS 2020, Brisbane, Australia | Paper
Li, H., Kalving, M., Khan, A. H., & Häkkilä, J. (2020)
Designing Unconventional Communication Systems for Long-Distance Relationships Using the Flexi Card Game
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia
MUM 2020, Essen, Germany | Demonstration
Snow, S., Guinea, T., Balson, A. S., Khan, A. H., Glencross, M., & Horrocks, N. (2020)
Rent-a-Watt: Rethinking energy use feedback
Proceedings of the 32nd Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction
OzCHI 2020, Sydney, Australia | Paper
Khan, A. H., Heiner, S., & Matthews, B. (2019)
Disconnect: A Proposal for Reclaiming Control in HCI
Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2019, Glasgow, Scotland | Paper
Khan, A. H., & Matthews, B. (2019)
Democratizing Soap: The Methodological Value of Using Constructive Assemblies as a Participatory Design Tool
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction
TEI 2019, Tempe, United States of America | Paper
Khan, A.H., & Matthews, B. (2019)
The Semantics of Design and Why They Matter
Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management
ADIM 2019, London, United Kingdom | Paper
Zheng, C., Khan, A. H., & Matthews, B. (2018)
Bridging the cross-cultural language divide through design
Proceedings of the 30th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction
OzCHI 2018, Melbourne, Australia | Paper
Khan, A. H., Hunter, T., & Worthy, P. (2018)
Outpost: A proposal for libraries of the future
Proceedings of the 30th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction
OzCHI 2018, Melbourne, Australia | Student Design Challenge
Khan, A. H., DiSalvo, A., Ng, K. W., Balachandran, S., Hunter, T., & Worthy, P. (2017)
The Sixth Sense: Augmenting Sensory Perception through Critical Design
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction
TEI 2017, Yokohama, Japan | Student Design Challenge
Munn, L., Khan, A. H., Hettiachchi, D., Sabie, S., Ghahremanlou, L., Saghir, S., Lambourne, N., & Magee, L. (2024)
Unmaking AI: Engaging Critically and Creatively with Generative AI
Proceedings of the 36th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction
OzCHI 2024, Brisbane, Australia | Workshop
Khan, F.A., Khan, A. H., Stoyanovich, J. & Kimelfeld, B. (2024)
Unfinished Comics for Inclusive Communication about Data Management in Research and Practice
Diversity and Inclusion Event at the 2024 International Conference on Extending Database Technology and International Conference on Database Theory
EDBT/ICDT 2024, Paestum, Italy | Workshop
Khan, F.A., Khan, A. H., & Stoyanovich, J. (2024)
Unfinished Comics for Inclusive AI Education
Diversity and Inclusion Event at the 2024 Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Conference
AAAI 2024, Vancouver, Canada | Workshop
Snow, S., Khan, A. H., Viller, S., Matthews, B., Heiner, S., Pierce, J., Luger, E., Gomer, R., & Filipczuk, D. (2020)
Speculative Designs for Emergent Personal Data Trails: Signs, Signals and Signifiers
Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2020, Honolulu, United States of America | Workshop
Khan, A. H., Matthews, S., MacDonald, L., Jones, L., Snow, S., & Matthews, B. (2020)
Tracing Design: Exploring Materiality for Designerly Methods, Practices & Tools
Design Research Society 2020 International Conference: Synergy
DRS 2020, Brisbane, Australia | Workshop
Gardezi, M., Adler, P.R., Abuayyash, H., Alvez, J., Badireddy, A.R., Anjum, R., Brugler, S., Clay, D.E., Carcamo, P., Dadkhah, A., Emery, M., Faulkner, J, W., Joshi, B., Joshi, D., Koliba, C., Khan, A.H., Kumari, S., McMaine, J., Merrill, S., Mitra, S., Musayev, S., Oikonomou, P.D., Pinder, G.F., Prutzer, E., Rathore, J., Ricketts, T., Rizzo, D.M., Ryan, B., Sahraei, M., Schroth, A.W., Turnbull, S., Shahzad, M.F., Yu, X., & Zia, A (2024)
Promoting Responsible Innovation in Precision Agriculture through Living Labs
AGU 2024 Conference
AGU24, Washington DC, United States of America | Presentation
Doherty, S., Van De Fliert, E., Matthews, B., & Khan, A. H., (2023)
Sharing Responsibility for Risk: Codesigning Media for Bushfire Resilience
Presentation at the 2023 International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference
IAMCR 2023, Lyon, France | Presentation
Khan, A. H. (2020)
Participatory Design Tools: Exploring the Value of Design through Materiality
Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2020, Honolulu, United States of America | Doctoral Consortium
Khan, A. H. (2020)
Participatory Design Tools: Exploring the Value of Design Through Materiality
Design Research Society 2020 International Conference: Synergy
DRS 2020, Brisbane, Australia | Doctoral Consortium
Khan, A.H. (2019)
Accounting for Design: The Value of Design in Business
Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management
ADIM 2019, London, United Kingdom | Doctoral Consortium
Conference Presentations
Gardezi, M., Adler, P.R., Abuayyash, H., Alvez, J., Badireddy, A.R., Anjum, R., Brugler, S., Clay, D.E., Carcamo, P., Dadkhah, A., Emery, M., Faulkner, J, W., Joshi, B., Joshi, D., Koliba, C., Khan, A.H., Kumari, S., McMaine, J., Merrill, S., Mitra, S., Musayev, S., Oikonomou, P.D., Pinder, G.F., Prutzer, E., Rathore, J., Ricketts, T., Rizzo, D.M., Ryan, B., Sahraei, M., Schroth, A.W., Turnbull, S., Shahzad, M.F., Yu, X., & Zia, A (2024)
Promoting Responsible Innovation in Precision Agriculture through Living Labs
AGU 2024 Conference
AGU24, Washington DC, United States of America
Doherty, S., Van De Fliert, E., Matthews, B., & Khan, A. H., (2023)
Sharing Responsibility for Risk: Codesigning Media for Bushfire Resilience
Presentation at the 2023 International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference
IAMCR 2023, Lyon, France | Presentation
Khan, A. H. (2020)
Participatory Design Tools: Exploring the Value of Design through Materiality
Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2020, Honolulu, United States of America | Doctoral Consortium
Khan, A. H. (2020)
Participatory Design Tools: Exploring the Value of Design Through Materiality
Design Research Society 2020 International Conference: Synergy
DRS 2020, Brisbane, Australia | Doctoral Consortium
Khan, A.H. (2019)
Accounting for Design: The Value of Design in Business
Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management
ADIM 2019, London, United Kingdom | Doctoral Consortium
Reports & NTROs
Henman, P., Thomas, J., Soldatic, K., Goldenfein, J., Weatherall, K., Sleep, L., Carney, T., Khan, A. H., Wilcock, S., Livingstone, S., & Matulionyte, R. (2023)
ADM+S Submission to the Royal Commission Into the Robodebt Scheme
Submissions of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society
ADM+S, Australia | Report
Doherty, S., Khan, A.H., Matthews, B., & van de Fliert, E. (2023)
Fire Futures Concept Portfolio
The University of Queensland
Australia | Concept Portfolio
Design Tools
Khan, A.H., Prutzer, E., Joshi, B., & Gardezi, M. (2024)
The New Farm Times Design Toolkit
Virginia Tech
USA | Toolkit
Khan, A.H., Whelan-Shamy, D., Watt, N., D'Silva, R., Kegalle, H., Ghahremanlou, L., & Magee, L. (2023)
AI Sub Zero Bias Cards
ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society
Australia | Toolkit
Munn, L., & Khan, A.H. (2023)
Hello AI Toolkit
The University of Queensland
Australia | Toolkit
Khan, A.H. & Clifford, S.K. (2023)
Humanity First Cards
Australian Red Cross
Australia | Toolkit
Doherty, S., Khan, A.H., Matthews, B., & van de Fliert, E. (2022)
Fire Futures Participatory Design Tools
The University of Queensland
Australia | Toolkit
Khan, A.H., Ejaz, N., Matthews, S., Snow, S., & Matthews, B. (2021)
Speculative Design for Education Toolkit
The University of Queensland
Australia | Toolkit
Khan, A.H., Heiner, S., & Matthews, B. (2019)
Disconnect Design Cards
The University of Queensland
Australia | Toolkit